Gavin Newsom was clearly not happy to learn about UCLA’s move to the Big Ten from the newspaper, and not through the proper channels of the California Board of Regents system.

The California governor spoke in an exclusive interview with Fox 11, and said that UC regents were not consulted on the move, which sent shockwaves through the college sports world.

“No big deal, I’m the governor, but maybe a bigger deal is I’m the chair of the UC Regents, I read about it,” he said. “Is it a good idea? Did we discuss the merits or demerits? I’m not aware of it anyway. It was done in isolation, it was done without any regental oversight or support. It was done without any consideration to my knowledge. Now, perhaps there was a deep conversation with other chancellors and presidents in the system and impact more broadly. Not just to the UCs, but to other universities, including Stanford University.”

It appears that the lack of communication is at the heart of Newsom’s irritation.

“I have strong opinions about this, for no other reason than as a member of the Regents, we were never consulted,” Newsom said. “Never asked for an opinion, in the name of the decent to provide head’s up. So trust me when I say this: We’re not going to be looking into it, we already are looking into it within minutes of reading about this in the newspaper.”