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Texas AM Aggies

Texas A&M, Notre Dame schedule series a decade from now

Christopher Smith

By Christopher Smith


Texas A&M and Notre Dame on Thursday announced a home-and-home series in 2024 and 2025.

Credit the College Football Playoff, which will continue to encourage big-time matchups like this one. Then again, who knows if they’ll ever play? The Aggies had games scheduled against Florida State and Michigan State that never materialized, and Notre Dame and Texas just canceled their 2019 and 2020 games.

“These two contests between Notre Dame and Texas A&M figure to be excellent intersectional attractions,” Notre Dame athletic director Jack Swarbrick said in a statement. “We had set a goal of adding representation from the Southeastern Conference to our future schedules, and we’ve accomplished that with the addition of this series, as well as the one with Georgia.”

Notre Dame leads the series, 3-2. The Aggies and Fighting Irish have played three times in the Cotton Bowl in addition to a home-and-home in 2000-01.

Texas A&M will face Pac-12 riser Arizona State to open next season before a home-and-home with UCLA in 2016-17.

All SEC teams are required to face at least one power conference team per year starting in 2016, though Notre Dame probably is grandfathered into that clause.

Christopher Smith

An itinerant journalist, Christopher has moved between states 11 times in seven years. Formally an injury-prone Division I 800-meter specialist, he now wanders the Rockies in search of high peaks.

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