Alyssa Lang got to spend time with Stokes in 2019 and recalled the generosity that the crew was shown.

Stokes was the longtime handler of Tusk for Arkansas and passed away in August and was honored at the Kent State game.

Lang spoke about the experience at the Little Rock Touchdown Club on Monday. She told one story about how Keith stayed up late making food for the crew.

“The Stokes family was just incredible to me the moment I set foot in Fayetteville in 2019. They really were the bright spot in coming out here and doing those games,” said Lang. “Keith was one of the first people to show me what kind of a family this place is. We rolled in with cameras and audio people, and Keith stayed up all night making us lunch. They would not let us leave until we’d had a great meal.”

Lang closed by hoping that her life can mimic that of the former Tusk handler.

“For us to have the kind of stories we have about Keith Stokes and to be able to talk about him the way thousands of us across the SEC can, other fanbases included, I hope I have a life like he did for people to be able to talk about me like that one day.”